100 Juta Suara Dukung "REFERENDUM" West Papua

27 Maret 2011

West Papua: Nurses arrests violate human rights

Press Release: West Papua Media Alerts

JUBI, 24 March 2011
Nurses arrests violate human rights
KontraS Papua, the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence, is convinced that the detention of five nurses by the police in Papua is a violation of their human rights. KontraS Papua member, Olga Helena Hamadi said that the police should not treat the nurses as criminals, adding that the government should quickly act to resolve this case.
SUARA BAPTIS PAPUA: West Papua: Nurses arrests violate human rights: "Press Release: West Papua Media Alerts JUBI, 24 March 2011 Nurses arrests violate human rightsKontraS Papua, the Commission for the Disapp..."

Report in West Papua-Indonesia

Law UU No. 21 year 2001 (UU. No. 21/2001) about Special Autonomy for Provinsi Papua given. Gift UU Otsus that is as Indonesia government answer towards the hoisterous of independence demand, marked with venus bunting or Bintang Kejora Flag at several …Report in West Papua-Indonesia
Part 1
Special Autonomy (Otsus) Fail: Papua Necessary Independent
by Fr. Santon Tekege, Pr
Law UU No. 21 year 2001 (UU. No. 21/2001) about Special Autonomy for Provinsi Papua given. Gift UU Otsus that is as Indonesia government answer towards the hoisterous of independence demand, marked with venus bunting or Bintang Kejora Flag at several regencies at Papua since year 1998. Demand reason, follow government, caused by development wisdom failure (Theo Van Den Broek, et al: 2003: 164) so that Otsus given as answer to finish conflict Papua. But, True that government evaluation? One of the best road to finishes all conflicts at soil Papua pass road: Dialogue between Indonesia and Papua.
In this article me wants reflections how far problem at Papua caused by development failure? Is it possible that there problem other more fundamentiel than development failure?
SUARA BAPTIS PAPUA: Report in West Papua-Indonesia: "Press Release – Justice in PapuaLaw UU No. 21 year 2001 (UU. No. 21/2001) about Special Autonomy for Provinsi Papua given. Gift UU Otsus th..."

Menguat, Tuntutan Referendum Papua

Dewan Adat Papua dan Front Pepera menuntut dialog internasional dan referendum. Pemerintah tidak boleh menutup mata atas masalah Papua.

ayapura –Dewan Adat Papua kembali mendesak pemerintah menggelar dialog internasional untuk membahas persoalan Papua. Referendum dipilih sebagai pintu meluruskan sejarah masa lampau yang dianggap menyimpang.
Hal itu dikatakan Ketua Dewan Adat Papua, Forkorus Yoboisembut, di Jayapura, Rabu (23/3). “Tidak ada jalan lain untuk membicarakan Papua setelah Otsus gagal, hanya ada dialog internasional dan referendum,” katanya.
Menguatnya keinginan warga Papua menentukan nasib sendiri
SUARA BAPTIS PAPUA: Menguat, Tuntutan Referendum Papua: "Dewan Adat Papua dan Front Pepera menuntut dialog internasional dan referendum. Pemerintah tidak boleh menutup mata atas masalah Papua. VH..."

Boediono Gelar Rapat Soal Papua

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Wakil Presiden Boediono bakal kembali menggelar rapat tentang pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat. Rapat dijadwalkan digelar di Kantor Wakil Presiden pukul 14.00 WIB, Senin 28 Maret 2011.
Dalam rapat kali ini, sejumlah menteri anggota Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu jilid dua beserta perwakilan pemerintah provinsi Papua dan Papua barat akan memfinalisasi naskah Peraturan Presiden Percepatan Pembangunan Papua Moree..
SUARA BAPTIS PAPUA: Boediono Gelar Rapat Soal Papua: "TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Wakil Presiden Boediono bakal kembali menggelar rapat tentang pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat. ..."

Papuan torture victims ready to testify

Indonesia's National Human Rights Commission says the military should reopen a stalled investigation into the torture of two Papuan men.
The National Human Rights Commission sent a team to Papua to investigate the torture of the men, which was captured in a chilling video which was shown around the world.
The commission says it has located the two torture victims and they are ready to testify against their abusers.
Commissioner Nur Khollis says the team is focused on asking the military to reopen the case. Moree..
SUARA BAPTIS PAPUA: Papuan torture victims ready to testify: "By Indonesian correspondent Matt BrownThe video attracted international scrutiny because it recorded the torture in graphic detail. (As..."